Quantum hardware is very difficult to come across due to its physical requirements and massive cost. This means that breaking into Quantum computing is also difficult, not only because of requisite knowledge but also because there are few places to practice ideas meaningfully. I made this simple emulator to introduce students who already have some Quantum computing knowledge to the circuits.
The program was written entirely in Python, and used a Python library to convert the .py files to .exe files for disrtribution.
This is the UI i designed for the emulator. It is meant to depict a Quantum circuit with three Qubits. On the left hand side is a panel where you can select a Qubit to operate on, to the right of that is an area that shows the quantum logic gates that you have applied to each qubit in a part of your program. On the far right there is a selection of buttons showing logic gates that can be applied to the circuit as well as a delete key. On the bottom of the screen is the program control panel which allows traversal forwards and backwards through your program, a chart button which shows the current states of each Qubit as probabilities, and a log area to show what operations have been completed.
This is what the circuit looks like when populated with logic gates. This program uses 5 H (Hadamard) gates on the first Qubit, one after the other. The arrow pointing to the first gate indicates that the program is going to execute this gate next, but hasn't done so yet.
Under the File menu, the app has save and load functions for the user generated programs. The data is stored as plain text to make it easier for the user to edit. Each file holds information about the gates and Qubits used as well as output data and a pointer tracker.
Below are some more screenshots of the app.
all code was written in python 3.9